Kids Aerial Yoga

The 6 sense approach

In addition to touch, taste, smell, hearing, and sight, we have some other important senses in our body. Our vestibular sense, associated with structures in our inner ear, allows us to sense movement in all directions. It is stimulated by moving forward and back, side to side, and spinning in a circle, and is a critical component of balance.

Another sense that helps us to balance is proprioception. There are sensory receptors in our joints and muscles that tell our brain where our body is in space. So, if I told you to close your eyes and I moved your left arm up over your head, you could easily mirror that position with your right arm without needing to look.

As we practice aerial yoga there are infinite opportunities for stimulating these two sensory systems. We hang upside down, spin in circles, and feel pressure from the hammock and through weight bearing on the floor.

Aerial Yoga Helps Promote Healthy Brain Function and Regulation

Those same senses that help us to have body awareness and balance also have a profound link to our parasympathetic nervous system. This is the part of our brain that regulates us and promotes calm. Now, depending on the child and the situation, different poses and activities may be calming as well as encouraging.


Term 2: 24th April - 30th June (10 weeks)

Term 3: 17th July - 18th September (10 weeks)

Term 4: 16th October - 20th December (9 weeks)

Mondays 3:45pm - 4:30pm

Ages: 6 - 13 yr

Investment: $198 - $220 per term (With consideration to public holidays)

*NOTE: minimum of 6 children per class. If classes are below these numbers parents will be notified before classes begin with full refund.