Flexibility Class

“A tree that is unbending is easily broken” - Lao Tzu

Flexibility classes are based on the foundation of strength, endurance, stability and mental fortitude. These classes are aimed at people who are looking to improve overall ease of movement in their body and for people wanting to strengthen their connection with their body on a mental, physical and emotional plane. All body types and physical abilities are suitable for this class, as you can participate at a level that you are comfortable with. This class aids in the fine motor control of your smaller ligaments and muscles, by strengthening these connections and how they communicate with each other, the larger movements we need and want become a lot easier.

If you have any previous injuries or limitations, do contact the studio to see if this class is right for you.  A few foundational movements practiced in this class include but are not limited to: Splits, headstands/inversions, arm balances.

For those interested in why and how these movements are pivotal to flexibility read below.


1. Splits keep you young! No one enjoys the idea of losing their range of motion. Practicing the splits is exceptional for your joint health, flexibility, and balance. These things are essential for long-term physical constitution. Studies have shown the splits help prevent major health issues similar to Parkinson's and cardiovascular disease due to the encouragement of muscle strength and healthy bodily circulation.

2. splits deepens our body awareness. Though it might not be your primary reason for wanting to master the splits, the pose refines the connection between the body and mind. Because the splits are such a difficult position, you must become attuned to different parts of your body. The parts open to deeper stretches and the parts with particular limitations. But on a level transcending physicality, it is my belief that mastery of the splits can open us spiritually. The splits bring us closer to our root chakra, (Kundalini is located sacred feminine energy located at the base of the spine).

Awakening this part of ourselves, alongside our root chakra, is the gateway to accessing our inner feminine power. Mastering the splits and entering into a journey to obtain them is a way we can open ourselves up and unlock that powerful energy within us.

Finally, what will get you into the splits is confidence, belief, encouragement, consistency, patience, and technique.

Let me help you to get closer to your goal, So we all can relish in the benefits of the splits, no matter what age you are!

Arm balances

Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.” Leonardo da Vinci,“

Luckily, arm balances are not only addictive, they also have amazing benefits for overall health and wellness. Here are several unarguable benefits of arm balances:

1. Tone & Lift the Whole Body. While it may seem like the arms are doing all the work, every part of the body needs to lift itself.

2. Strengthen the body to protect the shoulder joints. With the increase in desk jobs, the upper body is rarely challenged throughout the day. Therefore, arm balances are a great way to counter a more sedentary lifestyle.

3. Balance the Body, Mind and Soul. Arm balances challenge and encourage the body to balance. The balance of the body is attained through body awareness, focused attention and willingness to try.

4. Boost Prana/Breath Flow. Breath connects the mind and body and enters through the breath. arm balances boost the prana/breath flow in the mind and body. The pairing increases blood flow to the brain and pituitary gland, revitalizes the body and slows the aging process all through boosting breath flow.

5. Encourage Positive Self-Esteem, Self-Worth and Self-Confidence. Arm balances are often linked to the third chakra, or manipura, because they require immense amounts of power and will. The third chakra is associated with fire and the ability to act and honor the power within burns through all blocks and fears. In affirming the will to accomplish an arm balance, the risk of flying becomes less scary and flight becomes more attainable. Believing in the self to do an arm balance, promotes the concept of self-esteem as a reward rather than an entitlement. As such, self-esteem is earned and backed with evidence which, in turn, promotes self-worth and self-confidence.

Arm balances have a funny way of seeming impossible until one day they are not.

Headstands and inversions

Headstands and inversions have huge benefits for the overall health of the body.

1. Improved circulation: Inverting the body helps to reverse the effects of gravity, allowing blood to flow more easily towards the upper body and brain. This increased blood flow can benefit the cardiovascular system and improve overall circulation.

2. Increased focus and mental clarity. Being upside down can stimulate the brain and increase oxygen flow, potentially enhancing mental clarity and focus. Some people find that inversions help them feel more alert and focused.

3. Strengthened core and upper body. Headstands and inversions require a lot of core and upper body strength to maintain balance and stability. Regular practice can help strengthen the muscles in your abdomen, back, shoulders, and arms.

4. Improved balance and proprioception. Inversions challenge your balance and spatial awareness, which can improve your overall sense of balance and proprioception (awareness of your body's position in space).

5. Reduced stress and anxiety. Inverting the body is believed to have a calming effect on the nervous system and may help reduce stress and anxiety. Some people find inversions to be a form of active meditation, allowing them to focus their attention and relieve mental tension.

It's important to note that inversions are not suitable for everyone, especially individuals with certain medical conditions.

All things change, cultivate flexibility rather than perfection” - Jewel